torsdag 28. mars 2013

From the beginning, once more...

So, this is a blog, right?
And reverbnation just won't add it to my artist site...ah well, fortunately that will change soon...
Youtube has changed layout, so I'm testing a few things, check it and tell me what you think?

These last two weeks have been quite amazing, I've put a lot of effort into marketing my Six Year Old Boy video and actually it has gone from 655 or something in a year or so to 16377 in only two thats what I would call amazing...
So I was thinking, why can't i just share another video?

Erik Still-Heroes Music Video

Erkki Muhonen | Myspace Music Videos

So this was made back when I had a deal with Tuupa Records Oy in Finland back in the day, unfortunately that didn't work out, but hey, im still young;)

Like the song?:)
Share it:)

Rock on, Erkki

lørdag 23. mars 2013

first day

i dont have much to say today, so check back later, a bit busy with the marketing on reverbnation,
you can check it here: